Untitled 9 / Stefano Pane Monfeli
title: Untitled 9
artist: Stefano Pane Monfeli
year: 2020
medium: Acrylic on yellowish heavyweight paper
size: ± 25 X 29 cm
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Pane’s latest works has to do with the reimagining of 20th century art movements in a humorous way, this starting point is infused with the practice of writing graffiti style letters where the sticks intersect to form virtuosic balances.
"Over the past two years I've been inspired by the way art has been represented in classic cartoons. For example as when Tom and Jerry happen to be in a museum, and the art in the background are this amusing reduction of Cubism and Modernism works. I remember how when I watched cartoons as a kid these images grabbed my attention and basically gave me my first understanding of what art is."
– Stefano Pane Monfeli
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Stefano Monfeli, also known as Pane, is a visual artist and graphic designer, born in Rome in 1974. He graduated in graphic design and applied arts at the Istituto Statale d’Arte of Rome in 1993. In 1996, after attending the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome for three years, he started working as a cartoonist and graphic designer.
During the Nineties, the hip-hop culture arrived in Rome and was committed to the practice of aerosol art, better known as graffiti writing. The history of graffiti in Rome was then celebrated with the international book Just Push The Button – Writing Metropolitano, published in 2002 by Stampa Alternativa – Nuovi Equilibri, of which Pane is the author.
In 2000, Pane founded the Why Style collective with this statement: “We were writers and some people think that every ex-writer that makes art is a street artist. That is not the case. So, is the name 'Street Fart' a provocation to the street art world? Not entirely. We named our collective ‘Why Style’ because we love to question things. We like to have doubts. Our dogma is ‘always doubt’.”
In 2004 Pane moved to Amsterdam, where he currently lives and works. His activity has been developed in two directions: art and graphic design, which often merge to form a whole. His works include: illustration, painting, installation and editorial design.
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