Untitled 5 / Hams Klemens

Title : Untitled 5
Artist : Hams Klemens
Year : 2021
Medium : Oil on paper
Size : 36 x 24 cm


Hams is a French artist currently based in Marseille. Klemens’ largest body of work to date, exists in a tunnel underneath Marseille, where he creates giant abstract paintings using abandoned household paint cans, and handmade brush contraptions which stretch ten-foot-tall. Inspired by the children of the Marseille Projects, who he teaches art, his work is full of childlike marks and gestures. Klemens’ rough take on abstract expressionism is reminiscent of exuberant landscapes, floral chaos or trembling water. They seem to be hallucinations of flickering landscapes in an otherwise dark, jerking techno club.
