Nuart Journal - Number 8
120 pages, 21 x 28 cm, Softcover
Editors: Martyn Reed, Susan Hansen
Language: English
Release date: October 2024
Publisher: Nuart Journal
Nuart has been a staple for arts festivals that work in public space for many years. It's also established a successful regularly published journal, which has been spearheading the way for more academic writing about urban art, street art and graffiti.
This latest issue is titled Intangible, and is edited by Martyn Reed and Susan Hanser. It includes a review of 'Repainting Subway Art', the newest and incredible ambitious book by graffiti writer Tripl, along with conversations with artists such as John Fekner, Martha Cooper and Ulrich Blanché. There's also visual essays by Daniël de Jongh, Rubí Celia Ramírez Núñez and Isabel Carrasco Castro.